The Geoffrey Lasko Gallery is a full service intaglio printmaking facility. We contract print for artists of all skill levels, including artists who have never made a handmade print before but have always wanted to see how their work would translate. We have pioneered a method whereby the entire process is handled long distance. The artist works in his own studio and never has to come to the printmaking facility.
We also partner with schools, galleries, corporations, non profits or any entity wishing to commission the creation of museum quality, limited edition, handmade etchings or engravings. Because they are original works of art they are perfect for gallery group shows, as fundraisers, gifts, tokens of appreciation, retirement etc.

Quaker Oats
On a commission basis, Mr. Lasko can create an edition of museum quality, handmade, original prints specifically for your school, business, non-profit, etc. They may be used as fundraisers, incentives, tokens of appreciation, retirement gifts etc. The etching, aquatint or mezzotint engraving will be created exclusively for your group based on a mutually agreed upon size and image. The design for example could be a particularly beautiful vista or meaningful piece of architecture specific to your business or school campus. The design for the edition of prints is based on a preliminary drawing that is approved by your group before the etching process begins. The size of the edition would be limited to 50-150 prints only. Once the works are printed, the plate is rendered unprintable to maintain the integrity of the edition size.
The engraver’s copper etching plate and the original drawing for the design can be included with the edition of prints.
Galleries can commission an etching or suite of etchings for one or more of their artists. Offering handmade prints enables you to expand the collector base for your artists and is an excellent way to get the widest distribution of original works of art to your customers at reasonable prices. Group rates are also available. Please look at Individual Artists for how this process works.
The Geoffrey Lasko Gallery works with artists who want to compliment their body of work through the traditional medium of etching.The working method we have pioneered allows us to offer our services to artists nationally and internationally. The artist does not have to travel to our facility and does the plate work in the comfort of his or her own studio. This unique collaboration process is the subject of an article featured in the November 2005 issue of Plein Air Magazine.
The Geoffrey Lasko Gallery offers the resources of a full service intaglio printmaking studio to individual artists or groups of artists at reduced rates. We have a spacious facility with a 30” hand operated Praga etching press. We specialize in platemaking and editioning of etchings or engravings up to 24 X 48”.
Making handmade prints is appealing because it permits the widest distribution of original works of art at the lowest cost. If you have ever wanted to add another fine art medium to your oeuvre but were daunted by the perceived cost or technical learning curve, please contact us or call 575-758-8100 for a reasonable quote based on your project’s size and deadline date.